"The real purpose of books is to trap the mind into doing its own thinking."
-Christopher Morley (1890-1957)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Bob Ong Books

Thanks to a colleague/friend-o-mine, I was introduced into Bob Ong's world. After reading a book of his (Stainless Longganisa-which happened to be my first Bob Ong book), I became an instant fan. As of the moment, I am close to owning all six of his books ( I have 3, half is close right?!) Anyway, his latest book(MacArthur), I found "da bomb"(hell, the ending made me cry!) I haven't read a lot of books in tagalog. I've only read Filipino books used from kinder to college, though some, I did not finish, and the 3 Bob Ong books that I have.

Dear Mr. Jose Rizal,

I am sorry that I am not much of a fan of Filipino authors. I promise to read more books especially the ones in tagalog. But not the tagalog romance novels, please no. I don't even like Mills and Boons and other books of the same genre so please do not make me read them.

Hoping for your kind consideration.
Thank you.

Respectfully yours,

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