
This is my favorite vampire, Lestat. Good thing that Tom Cruise gave justice to his character! And for the dimwits who doesn't know who he is, check out An Interview With A Vampire
Lestat de Lioncourt is the most popular vampire in the history of the creature. Even in the novels, he is popular. Among vampires, and mortals. Lestat is a creature like no other. Cocky, arrogant, beautiful, sincere, and evil. He kills no innocent, yet steals from whomever he chooses. He is rich beyond our wildest dreams, and he flaunts it all over the world. For enjoyment, and protection. An evil vampire who feels nothing while taking a life, yet weeps for the company of another vampire, that is Lestat. After Louis is turned by the Dark Gift, Lestat does whatever he can to bind them together, even creating the child vampire Claudia. After he is burned to near death by his two proteges, Lestat buries himself in the earth underneath his French home. And he awakened, he joined a band called Satan's Night Out, and took a concert tour. He didn't really want to sing, His goal is to get all the other vampires to come to him. He tells his story of his mortal life, and how he became a vampire. He he earned the name "Wolfkiller", and how a vagabond vampire named Magnus, forced him against his will into the Dark Gift. How he made his mother and friend into vampires, and created the Theatre of the Vampires. How he destroyed the underground coven, led by Armand, and they started a love-to-hate-you relationship with each other. He eventually meets Armand's maker, Marius, who tells his story, and explains about Those Who Must Be Kept. Lestat drinks the blood of the eldest vampire, Akasha, and becomes very powerful.
General Stats on Lestat:
Full name: Lestat de Lioncourt
Height: 6'0" Weight: 70kg
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Blonde
Date of Birth: 1760ad
Date of Creation: 1779ad
Fledglings: Louis, Gabrielle, Claudia, Nicholas, David.
Maker: Magnus
"Drink from me...and live forever..." That is what he said to Louis to convince him to accept the Dark Gift
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